5 Unusual But Effective Ways to Protect the Environment

child reading in a library

Helping to become more sustainable can be a challenge, however there are plenty of small yet effective ways you can help save the environment. Some are quite unusual and aren’t an immediately obvious eco-friendly lifestyle choice.

Upon closer examination, they’re actually pretty effective than many other methods of sustainability. Here are the top five.

1. Go to the Library

There are many reasons to visit your local library; it’s such a valuable resource that it’s important to have around. Encouraging reading also bolsters learning and empathy, an invaluable asset for both children and adults alike.

It’s also green as the impact of printed books and tablets are lessened when there is less of a demand. Computers are also available, meaning that you don’t have to buy a computer and invest in an internet connection when you have a library card. It also does wonders to your budget!

2. Buy Food in Bulk

Another money-saving technique is to buy food in bulk rather than on a weekly basis. This can also apply to its environmental impact. When you buy in bulk, you significantly reduce the amount of waste you produce, not to mention your petrol consumption by driving to the supermarket less.

The only trouble is that you may buy more than you can consume before the expiration date. If you have a lot of food left over, then you should share it among family and friends when you can. That way you’ll have a more positive impact on the environment.

3. Visit Your Local Farmers Market

Speaking of food, it’s always better to buy fresh produce from your local farmers market than at the supermarket. Local farmers typically don’t wrap all their food in plastic and it is locally produced, meaning less carbon emissions.

It tends to be cheaper too, even if it’s just a fruit stand at your local high street. Not to mention you are investing in local businesses, meaning your local economy will thrive much more than it would otherwise.

4. Choose Eco-Friendly Clothing

A slightly trickier task than it may sound, but nevertheless still important. Clothing waste is such a huge issue as it clogs landfills and tends not to biodegrade. That isn’t even covering the amount of carbon emissions used to produce, ship then buy the item of clothing in the first place.

The best thing to do, if you cannot find eco-friendly clothing ranges, is to wear your clothes for as long as possible before throwing them away. And when you’ve outgrown it, don’t just chuck it in the bin! If it’s still in good condition, give it to your local charity shop, or, if it’s ripped/broken, learn how to sew and repair it.

5. Avoid Palm Oil

The most contentious issue with mass consumption and its environmental impact is the use of palm oil. Used in a wide range of products, including shampoos, food and detergent, the consequences include mass deforestation, destruction of habitats to many endangered species, and serious air, soil and water pollution.

In short, if anything you find has palm oil in it, you should avoid it at all costs. If you want anymore tips on how to live a greener lifestyle, visit Bates Environmental day!